Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beef stew with okra, onions and bell peppers with side of white rice

Breakfast burrito I made with scrambled eggs, almond cheese, onions, bell peppers, turkey meat, cilantro, also added Tobasco sauce to give it a kick :) I made two of those since one wasn't enough

My Latest Thought...
Yesterday lupus paid me a visit
Gave me enough time to gather my thoughts on sheets of paper
An unmade bed stares right back at me
I want to be remembered as the dreamer
Who saw beyond the train tracks of Brooklyn
Who didn’t mind coloring her life dramatically
Who convinced the world that it’s far more
Fascinating to taste with our eyes
Poetry is our heartbeat
The birth of words gives us reason to scream insanity
Lupus reminded me to log down the precious moments
Before they fade away use my brushes as weapons
Use poetry to sooth the soul
Don’t ever take life for granted
(c)2010 by Delaleu

1 comment:

  1. strange, how
    your poetry
    reaches out
    beyond miles
    beyond gender
    beyond time & place
    & speaks to that best
    & remembered space in me. Thank you
    for the honesty of your God-
    given gift!

    Snatch JOY, My Poetic Sista!

