Saturday, September 5, 2009


The power of writing has many consequences. It can reveal,inspire, destroy, elevate and sometimes it can be hurtful or brutal. Like some who consider suicide and leave their mark with an emotional letter, letting their loved ones know what caused them to end their life. I feel when you have that kind of gift to move people, it means all is not lost. God granted you these lovely hands and fingers for a reason.

The many challenges I had to face these past few months took a toll on my body. Yes, I did consider not to write in my blog and even allowed Mr. Writer's Block to take over. What made it worse is the ugly monster, I should say "my ugly demon" Lupus SLE (, came out of hiding again.

A year ago 2008, my life completely changed when Lupus paid me a nasty visit leaving me disfigured and I lost all the self-confidence I had in me. I was doing good in NY with a great job, my own apartment and many friends. But, sometimes you get a wake-up I was unrecognizable physically and mentally, forget about emotionally. I felt not even a therapist can fully understand this illness.

I was diagnosed in 2007 and it's been a battle ever since. Yet, I'm blessed to wake up everyday with family and friends who show support. To understand this auto-immune disease, one must be very patient and non-judgemental. For example, people will look at you and think, "She's pretty,well, she don't act or look sick". Then, 3 months later, you're swollen all over, can't barely get out of bed and depression sets in. Your mind plays tricks on you, makes you believe no one gives a damn and you might as well die in your sleep.

Lupus SLE is not an easy illness to deal with cause in order to fight it, you must be mentally strong to do so and make yourself a list on how to be ahead of it. Lupus loves stress and depression, actually most Lupus sufferers are affected with joint issues due to stress. Also, Lupus loves it when you eat the wrong type of food, dairy and wheat will eventually send a Lupus SLE candidate to the hospital. I've been there more than once. Also, it does not tolerate excessive sun or cold winters. I live in 100 degrees AZ heat and i'm still struggling, but not as bad as when I lived in NY.

I was very hurt when a blogger friend told me of Nikki's passing. It's sad to hear such news, especially knowing she was so young. I'm sure sure Nikki wouldn't want us to dwell on her loss or illness. She was a great blogger, writer, feisty with her words. She would want us to remember her wonderful writing and beautiful personality. The more we do, the most we celebrate her life and her light will continue to shine. You can show your love by stopping by her blog (, i'm sure her family would appreciate it. As for me, i'm taking it one day at a time with much prayer and meditation. I've learned a big lesson, this illness never goes away, it's more like a submarine, it appears whenever it feels like it and can take command if you allow it.


  1. I am truly sorry for your sufffering! I wish you all the spiritual and mental strenght you need to fight this dissease. And i need so say that you drawings are beautiful! I am sure that your writing is that as well, but i am a visual person, so that's the type of art that get's to me the most.

  2. Oh Lyrically Speaking! I'll pray for you in your fight against Lupus!

    Never ever stop writing and painting! don't let go of such a beautiful gift - to be able to write words that have such a hold on the readers' hearts....

    Lots of love and hugs my friend...

  3. You are such an inspiration! I'm honored that you visited my blog. You are an excellent illustrator and storyteller. Both, your blogs and paintings are so vivid!- Signs of a true artist to the core.

  4. thank you all for the visit and well-wishes

  5. Thank you for posting this and detailing some of the issues that you've suffered from due to Lupus. I used to work with a lady who suffered from the same thing and she was very cryptic about the issues she had associated with it. I'd always wondered but was too embarrassed to ask.

    You must be a very strong person to both deal with it and write about it.

    The best to you.
